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The Helios Lizard Car

The Universitat Dulsburg-Essen, in Germany, wants to build a solar-powered car that can charge itself entirely from the sun. The problem is the limited space for photovoltaic panels on a car’s roof. The Helios overcomes that limitation by acting like a frill-neck lizard. When stationary, the off-road vehicle can unfurl a large set of photovoltaic cells to produce enough energy to run the car, with excess energy for home power. The Helios won Best Use of Technology category at the Interior Motives Design Awards 2008.


Mobile Phone For Blind People

With the latest technology here some mobile is make for the blind peoples. Such mobile phones mainly focus to that features which easy to handle it and press just one button to call other one. Generally mobile can make with different hard keys and some typical body structure models.

There are not so easy to use such mobile, to fix this problem some mobile making company can make a phone for the blind peoples. The tactility to make a mobile is much simple way. The keypad is so soft, which reduce the hassle of the blind people.


VW Einplus Car

Let us see how to design the interiors of the cars. Let us observe the concept of WW Einplus. Driving is not the only purpose for buying a car but these days it reflects your lifestyle. The future car of the year 2020 will be designed as such a way that they can drive themselves, automatically without any manual control, and seating will be designed to give comfort and relaxation while driving.

The attractive interior feature of the WW Einplus is it steering wheel which are retractable and the desk displaying multiple touch navigating facilities. The front seat of the WW Einplus is designed with a big bench seat is for the person who drives the vehicle and it helps for active functioning in multiple ways, and the passenger seat is spacious enough to help him enjoy the ride by sitting or lying and it also provides an auxiliary back seat.


Renault Runner Vehicle

A taxi system vehicle designed for the future is the Renault runner. It utilizes the solar energy to a maximum level and thus developing the transportation which is friendly to the green environment.

The roof top of this vehicle is constructed with solar panels which are extremely sensitive to solar radiations therefore it generates huge amount of energy required or the taxi.

In addition to these benefits the compact vehicle is also designed in a way that three cabins could be attached to each other through a wireless connection and so cables are not required for connecting them, and this helps in forming a train like vehicle which can carry passengers for travelling as a big group. The Renault runner has the special feature of transparent windows which helps the passengers within to view the world at the 360º angled panoramic kind of view.