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Follow Me Mobility

It’s usual to think that an urban vehicle is used for last mile delivery. The Follow Me mobility concept is designed for postal delivery services by Michael Barthels, who is a German industrial designer. The aim of the concept is to provide greater flexibility in inner city or urban areas distribution.

The rapidly increased internet trade affects affects the increase of traffic for package deliveries. Some of these packages are oversized and cannot fit into the delivery vehicles, which is a safety risk to other road users. The main objective of this project was not only to find solution to this problem but also to develop a delivery vehicle that could adapt to urban conditions.

Important points are the small size of the vehicle and the maximum flexibility of use. A key consideration was to make the operation as simple as possible. Through the open and transparent design of Follow Me mobility concept for postal delivery services, drivers can easily jump on and off this vehicle.

Basically Follow Me mobility concept for postal delivery services is a modular system that can be customized with a wide array of add-ons.