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Flee Digital Camera

The Flee Digital Camera is actually a design solution which has been incorporated into the making of specific type of digital camera’s and also, Bluetooth receiver for cellular phones. In simple words, flee means run away or take flight. In technological terms also, it works like the same. As soon as, flee starts thrown away, it initiates taking snapshots in every modified interval of time and then, sending them to user’s mobile phone by the help of Bluetooth feature. This camera basically proves the sheer excellence of the creativity of Turkish designer, Hagan Bogazpinar. It works by tossing in the air.

While in the air, this flee digital camera will acquire snapshots at a pre-determined interval of time and later on, send those snapshots back to the owners mobile phone by way of Bluetooth arrangement. Hence, no need to hold the camera each time and stand for a pose. Just imagine the amazing shots you’d get if you played catch with this! Normally, people can not even dream of using such type of camera as nobody wants to throw their beloved items, especially the technologically advance digital camera, in the air like a toss.

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