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Volkswagen Buggy Up!

A buggy is more than just a car; it is an automotive lifestyle feeling. It was born in California in the 1960s and was based on the Beetle, which provided the engine and the chassis. The rest was created by buggy pioneers such as American Bruce Meyers: out of GRP, or glass-reinforced plastics. Buggies have had a cult following that continues to today. That is reason enough for Volkswagen to now present a 21st century buggy concept based on the new up!: the buggy up!. This buggy is not made of GRP, but instead of strong, high-tech, lightweight construction steels. Yet, the conceptual approach for developing the two-seater, as original as it is, still follows the lead of historic models from California.

The designers also made this up! a purebred buggy in its side profile. Of course, it has no doors, but in their place it has extensive body reinforcements and a sturdy roll bar behind the two seats. Especially cool: the open side sills. This makes the experience of open-air driving even more exciting than in a conventional convertible.

As is proper for a beach vehicle, the new interior styling is completely waterproof. Drains in the vehicle floor and the open side sills prevent flooding. Even the neoprene coated shell seats have water drains, so that no water accumulates in the vehicle after a swim in the ocean. If it should rain for a longer period of time, it is possible to stretch a sail between the window frames and the roll bar.

The controls for the infotainment system also sport a waterproof design. Among its features, the system has an iPod/iPhone dock. The entire module can be removed – including the integrated active loudspeakers – so that it can be used as a sound system for parties on the beach.

Compared to the two-door up! the buggy up! has a lower seat position – in keeping wîth the lower vehicle height.

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